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blonde hair

Improves blood supply to the hair follicles & increases hair density and diameter

Prolongs the anagen phase, increasing hair strength and length

Stimulates innert follicles that are in catagen phase, preventing permanent hair loss

Hair growth phase, anatomy diagram of hu


Androgenetic alopecia, in other words male baldness pattern or female pattern baldness is a common form of hair loss. There is a big chance that you will experience this at some point in your life. Androgenetic alopecia women and men can begin at puberty and heredity is the main cause.    To understand what causes female pattern baldness and the male pattern baldness causes it is first necessary to understand the hair growth cycle. Hair does not grow at the same time, and it only grows for a limited amount of time before it falls off. There are three stages, which hair passes in its life cycle, from a small hair to a fully grown hair that falls of the scalp.

The hair growth cycle comprises three distinct phases:

  • Anagen phase: this is the growth phase of hair, the duration of which differs from person to person. In this phase, the most hairs are found. When the hair is fully grown, it enters the next phase.

  • Catagen phase: in this phase, the growth of hair stops. The hair is still attached to the scalp, but the hair follicle begins to shrivel. The hair also becomes somewhat thinner in this small phase.

  • Telogen phase: this is the phase when the hair slowly begins to detach from the hair follicle. At the same time, a new hair is growing in the same hair follicle. In the end the hair falls off your scalp.


The HYPPP Hair® treatment can slow hair loss and stimulate new hair growth, thus potentially helping you to avoid the need for a hair transplantation. HYPPP Hair® is a scientifically proven, natural growth factor complex that effectively stimulates the growth of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) in the skin, thus nourishing the hair follicles, as well as the growth of dermal papilla cells, therefore promoting hair growth and reducing the impact of hair loss. HYPPP Hair® also prolongs the duration of the anagen phase, thus allowing hair to grow stronger and longer, while it also 'wakes up' inert hair follicles that are in the catagen phase. Thus, over a 3-4 month treatment period hair density and thickness is significantly improved. The results are permanent, provided that you follow our clinical protocol.

The texture of a cosmetic serum with bubbles in closeup. Macrophotography.jpg


The HYPPP Hair® treatment is based on ground-breaking research carried out for over 20 years in leading European Universities, in the field of tissue regeneration and wound healing. Specifically, HYPPP growth factors have been shown to improve tissue blood supply though angiogenesis (new blood vessel growth), as well as stem cell differentiation. Besides its utility in hair growth and regeneration, HYPPP therapy is currently recognized as an effective treatment of chronic wounds which are difficult to heal with conventional treatments.



Male pattern baldness is something that can occur at a certain age. In many cases there is a cure for male pattern baldness. The hair loss goes through different stages, which are called the male pattern baldness stages. Male pattern baldness usually starts to be visible in the front hairline and the hairline at the temples, as well as at the top and the crown. The hairline starts to gradually move backward and can form a “M” shape. A circular area on the back of the head often starts thinning and this expands in size over time. Eventually the hair becomes, shorter, thinner, and finer and create a U-shape pattern of hair around the sides of the head and a bald area on the back of the head. When you experience patchy hair loss, redness, scaling, lots of hair shedding, pus, or scalp pain you might not suffer from early male baldness. Then you might need to look at the potential causes of hair loss again. Androgenetic alopecia causes are mostly a combination of different factors that include your genetics and the effect of hormones. Male pattern baldness causes are mainly due to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which comes from testosterone. DHT attacks your hair follicles, causing your hair to fall out and stop growing. Men typically have more testosterone than women, which may explain why baldness is more common among men. The amount of hair loss also depends on the sensitivity of your hair, which is determined hereditary. DHT can shorten the anagen growth phase and cause hair to enter the telogen phase earlier, it also can damage the hair roots. Damaged hair roots can cause hair fall and baldness in different spots around the scalp.


The HYPPP Hair® treatment is effective against male pattern hair loss, as long as the follicles which are minaturized (shrunk) are still present. The treatment rapidly nourishes the hair follicles by stimulating new blood vessels development in the skin, thus rescuing them, leading the visible improvement in hair density and thickness.

Baldness concept. Man with bald spot on beige background, back view.jpg


The HYPPP Hair® treatment is carried out painlessly through the use of a  special mesotherapy device, which automatically delivers the HYPPP growth factor cocktail uniformly into the scalp with depth-precision and speed. Thus, the treatment is virtually painless, quick and easy, resulting is practically zero down-time. For further patient comfort, local anaesthetic is topically applied to the scalp before treatment.

For visible and stable results, it is recommended that a series of 3-4 treatments is carried out, at 3-4 week intervals



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  • Is the HYPPP Hair® treatment truly painless?

Yes, due to the use of a super-fast automatic injection system, the injections are not 'felt' by the skin nerves, which makes the treatment virtually painless. Local anaesthetic is used for further patient comfort.

  • How many sessions are required for visible results?

Usually, depending on the severity of the problem, 3-4 sessions (30 min each) are required, in intervals of 3-4 weeks. The exact number of treatments will be determined in collaboration with your doctor.

  • In which months of the year can the treatment be carried out?

The HYPPP Hair treatment can be done throughout the year, even in the summer months, since it does not cause any skin peeling or long-lasting irritation.

  • Will i have swelling after the treatment? 

There is minimal swelling of the scalp after the treatment, which subsides within 24 hours. It is important to avoid any exercise or bending down the head during this time. 

  • Are the results of the HYPPP Hair® treatment permanent?

While each case is different, the results of the HYPPP Hair treatment are stable as long as you follow the doctor's instructions, which may include local application into the scalp of a special HYPPP Hair serum at home, following shampooing.

  • How does the HYPPP Hair® treatment compare to other treatments in the market?

The HYPPP Hair treatment is unique in that it provides the complete, naturally occurring cocktail of regenerative growth factors, which stimulates new blood vessel growth and stem cell differentiation within the skin. It is thus significantly more potent than over-the-counter products which merely contain certain amino acids/peptides. It is important to note  that HYPPP is an autologous substance, thus does not carry any risks or side-effects which may accompany pharmaceutical agents such as Minoxidil.

  • Can the HYPPP Hair® treatment help me to avoid the need for a hair transplantation?

While this will depend on the degree of existing hair loss, and also the amount of remaining active hair follicles, the HYPPP Hair treatment can potentially help you avoid the need for hair transplantation surgery, which is costly and accompanied by significant down-time. It is important to obtain clinical advice early, in order to prevent permanent loss of hair follicles, since the HYPPP Hair treatment only works if active hair follicles are still present, even if these are miniaturized / weakened. 



Dr. Ektor Panayi, MD PD PhD, is Associate Professor at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), where he has led for many years research in Regenerative Medicine, on the basis of which the HYPPP treatment was developed. He has devoted over 20 years to the research and clinical application of biomedical science, with an emphasis on tissue angiogenesis and chronic wound healing.

Dr. Panayi completed his medical studies at leading universities in Europe. He received his MD from the University of Cambridge and a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from University College London (UCL). His surgical training included specializations in General Surgery, Vascular Surgery and Plastic Surgery, at leading hospitals such as Addenbrooke's NHS Hospital in Cambridge and Bogenhausen Hospital in Munich.

His scientific contribution includes more than 6 international patents, a number of scientific publications in leading journals and the writing of book chapters in the field of biomedicine. For his pioneering research in HYPPP therapy, he has been honored with important international awards, such as the German Innovation Award in Biotechnology and the Science4Life Award.

In 2024, Dr. Panayi was voted "Best Plastic Surgeon of the Year" at the Medical Beauty Awards, receiving 2 Platinum Awards and 6 Gold Awards for the best results on face and body.



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